
Stay current with the latest fixes and improvements.

Aug 3rd 2021


  • Added URLs for pipeline and project folders
  • [Run next pipeline] The action no longer fails with Branch does not exist error if the selected branch does not exist in the target pipeline. Instead, it selects the default branch for that pipeline
  • [Copy files] Added option 'Delete extraneous files' from the receiving side (ones that aren't on the sending side)
  • [YAML] From now on ENV VARs in a pipeline/action can be defined either in GUI or in YAML (mode cannot be mixed). For example, if a user defines an ENV VAR for a pipeline in YAML, it will no longer be possible to define the variables in the application's GUI. NOTE: Variables added via YAML will always overwrite all variables added via the GUI


  • Fixed a bug with queued executions failing when run for subsequent revisions in the project
  • Fixed a bug with ENV VAR suggestion not working in the Find & Replace action
  • Improvements
  • Bugfixes