Run apps directly from your Git repository with Buddy!

March 30, 2017

Run apps directly from your Git repository with Buddy!

UPDATE: December 2018 After one year of testing, we have decided to shut down the beta of Sandboxes. Using the feedback that we gathered, we are currently working on a new and improved version of the test environment feature. Make sure to follow us on Twitter for news and updates on the release date.

We're happy to announce that Sandboxes are coming to Buddy! This means you will be able streamline your process by launching your apps directly from your Git repository.

Yes, this is the BIG feature that we've been teasing you with in the past couple of weeks. The main part of development has been finished and we are currently testing it inside-out. By mid-April we should be ready with beta for you to check out. Stay tuned for more information, and in the meantime check out how it works in our super-exclusive video below:


Alexander Kus

Alexander Kus

Customer Success Manager

A story-teller and conversation-lover, Alexander decided to invest his skills to help his friends at Buddy transform the cold language of patch notes into exciting narratives. Also: an avid gamer, hip-hop DJ, Liverpool FC fan, absentminded husband, and the father of two.