Pushover with YAML

YAML parameters for Pushover

action RequiredStringThe ID of the action.
type RequiredStringThe type of the action. Should be set to PUSHOVER.
integration RequiredStringThe ID of the integration.
content RequiredStringThe content of the notification.
deviceStringThe name of the device to whick notification will be sent.
priorityStringSpecifies the priority of the notification. Can be one of LOW, NORMAL or HIGH.
linkStringThe link of the notification.
link_titleStringThe title of the notification link.
titleStringThe title of the notification.

YAML example for Pushover

- action: "Send notification to Phone"
  type: "PUSHOVER"
  title: "Buddy"
  content: "${BUDDY_PIPELINE_NAME} execution #${BUDDY_EXECUTION_ID}"
  link_title: "Show execution details"
  device: "Phone"
  priority: "HIGH"
  integration: "my_integration"
Last update:
Sep 23, 2024